Social and Environmental Activities

Making Nautical Paths

SECOND DEPARTURE: PARATGE DE TUDELA – COVA DE L'INFERN. On Saturday, May 6, as part of the activity Making paths to the Nàutic, a group of partners

Social Activities

FENT CAMINS AL NÀUTIC. Ruta: Pla de Tudela – Cova de l’ Infern (Cadaqués) Sortida guiada per la geòloga Marta Puiguriguer.

Making Nautical Paths

FIRST DEPARTURE: EVERYDAY TO CALA JONCÓLS (CIRCULAR ROUTE). Last Saturday, April 8, we went out for the first time, as part of the project, making nautical paths.

Social Activities

MAKING PATHS IN THE NAUTIC. In order to activate social activities with the members and taking into account the age range of the majority of the members, we think that it is a

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